140 research outputs found

    Regional Planning of Social Services

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    Import 23/08/2017Bakalářská práce se zabývá procesem komunitního plánování ve Sdružení obcí Jablunkovska. Teoretická část je zaměřena na vymezení sociálních služeb, popis procesu komunitního plánování včetně jeho zásad, cílů a fází. V praktické části jsou popsány a zhodnoceny demografické údaje a současný stav sítě sociálních služeb na vymezeném území.This bachelor thesis deals with the process of community planning in the Association of Municipalities of Jablunkov. The theoretical part focuses on the definition of social services, a description of the process of community planning, including its principles, objectives and phases. The practical part describes and evaluates the demographic data and the current state of the network of social services in the defined area.153 - Katedra veřejné ekonomikyvýborn

    Assessing the Competitiveness of Selected Small Enterprise

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    Import 05/08/2014Bakalářská práce byla řešena ve firmě MORAVSKOSLEZSKÉ VÝTAHY, spol. s r.o. Dolní Benešov. Zabývá se hodnocením konkurenceschopnosti malého podniku.V teoretické části práce jsou uvedeny charakteristiky základních pojmů, které souvisí s podnikem, konkurenčním prostředím a popisuje specifika malých a středních firem. Dále jsou zde teoreticky popsány metody použité v ověřovací části práce – PESTLE analýza, SWOT analýza a Porterova analýza.Praktická část práce začíná představením analyzované organizace, obsahuje základní údaje o společnosti, popis historie a jejího dalšího vývoje a stručný přehled ekonomických údajů. Pro posouzení konkurenčního postavení v dané organizaci byly použity metody PESTLE analýza, Porterova analýza pěti konkurenčních sil a SWOT analýza. Na základě vyhodnocení jednotlivých analýz a jejich následné syntéze práce vyúsťuje v závěrečná doporučení a náměty pro vedení analyzované společnosti.This thesis was realized within the company MORAVSKOSLEZSKÉ VÝTAHY, spol . s r.o. Dolní Benešov. It deals with the assessment of the competitiveness of a small business.In the theoretical part the characteristics of the basic concepts related to enterprise, competitive environment are shown and it describes the specifics of small- and medium-sized companies. Furthermore, the methods used in the authentication part are theoretically described here - PESTLE analysis, SWOT analysis and Porter's analysis.The practical part starts with the introduction of the analyzed organization; it provides basic information about the company, a description of the history and its future development and a brief overview of economic data. To assess the competitive position of the organization PESTLE analysis, Porter's five competitive forces analysis and SWOT analysis methods were used. Based on an evaluation of each analysis and a subsequent synthesis the work is concluded with final recommendations and suggestions for management of the analyzed company.152 - Katedra podnikohospodářskávýborn

    Senior in Institutional Care

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    Dialog v češtině

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    The series Specimina philologiae Slavicae, founded in 1972 by the Frankfurt Slavists Olexa Horbatsch and Gerd Freidhof, is today performed by Holger Kuße (Dresden), Peter Kosta (Potsdam), Beatrix Kreß (Hildesheim), Franz Schindler (casting), Barbara Sonnenhauser (Zurich) and Nadine Thielemann (Vienna) issue. The series includes monographs, anthologies and textbooks covering all areas of Slavic, Linguistics, Literary and Cultural Studies. In linguistics, both linguistic and innovative works on pragmatics and semantics, slavic minor languages ​​and discourse linguistics are published. In literary and cultural studies, one of the areas of special interest is Russian philosophy

    About the link between biodiversity and spectral variation

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    Aim: The spectral variability hypothesis (SVH) suggests a link between spectral varia -tion and plant biodiversity. The underlying assumptions are that higher spectral vari-ation in canopy reflectance (depending on scale) is caused by either (1) variation in habitats or linked vegetation types or plant communities with their specific optical community traits or (2) variation in the species themselves and their specific optical traits.Methods: The SVH was examined in several empirical remote-sensing case studies, which often report some correlation between spectral variation and biodiversity- related variables (mostly plant species counts); however, the strength of the observed correlations varies between studies. In contrast, studies focussing on understanding the causal relationship between (plant) species counts and spectral variation remain scarce. Here, we discuss these causal relationships and support our perspectives through simulations and experimental data.Results: We reveal that in many situations the spectral variation caused by species or functional traits is subtle in comparison to other factors such as seasonality and physiological status. Moreover, the degree of contrast in reflectance has little to do with the number but rather with the identity of the species or communities involved. Hence, spectral variability should not be expressed based on contrast but rather based on metrics expressing manifoldness. While we describe cases where a certain link between spectral variation and plant species diversity can be expected, we be -lieve that as a scientific hypothesis (which suggests a general validity of this assumed relationship) the SVH is flawed and requires refinement.Conclusions: To this end we call for more research examining the drivers of spectral variation in vegetation canopies and their link to plant species diversity and biodiver-sity in general. Such research will allow critically assessing under which conditions spectral variation is a useful indicator for biodiversity monitoring and how it could be integrated into monitoring network

    The secret of dry hopped beers – review

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    Dry hopped beers gain their characteristic flavour from hop products purposely added during the cold stage of production. Although the production of these beers has not so broad a tradition in the Czech Republic as for instant in Great Britain or the United States, their popularity increases every year. This study provides a complete set of theoretical and practical information about the production of dry hopped beers. The relevant sensory active compounds of hops creating the characteristic beer aroma and factors influencing their transfer into beer are introduced. The last part of the study deals with some important risk factors which must be considered during the production of dry hopped beers

    Faktorska analiza čimbenika abrazivnog mlaza vode koji utječu na hrapavost titanske površine

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    The paper focuses on experimental research and evaluation of the abrasive waterjet cutting technology process in order to evaluate the technology factors affecting the microgeometry (average roughness) of workpiece surface of titanium of 10 mm thickness using a full factorial design. The significance of four selected process factors – independent variables (traverse speed, abrasive mass flow rate, angle of attack, depth of cut) affecting the surface quality was evaluated by a two level full factorial design. The surface quality was evaluated by Ra, Rq and Rz surface roughness parameters. A multiple nonlinear regression equation obtained from ANOVA gives the level quality Ra as a function of the machining factors. A different significance of these factors has been found.Članak se fokusira na eksperimentalno istraživanje i ocjenu tehnološkog procesa rezanja abrazivnim vodenim mlazom u cilju ocjene tehnoloških čimbenika koji utječu na mikro geometriju (prosječna hrapavost) titanske površine obratka debljine 10 mm koristeći puni faktorijelski plan. Značaj četiri odabrana faktora procesa - neovisne varijable (poprečna brzina, brzina masenog protoka abraziva, napadni kut, dubina reza) koje utječu na kvalitetu površine je ocijenjen pomoću dvorazinskog punog faktorijelskog plana. Kvaliteta površine je procijenjena pomoću Ra, Rq i Rz parametara hrapavosti površine. Jednadžba višestruke nelinearne regresije dobivena iz ANOVA daje razinu kvalitete Ra kao funkciju faktora obrade. Utvrđeno je drugačije značenje ovih faktora

    Metoda a ekonomické limity regulace ve finančním právu

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    Hlavním cílem práce bylo identifikovat metodu regulace ve finančním právu a pojednat o jednotlivých oblastech finančního práva. Dalším cílem bylo vybrat základní ekonomické instituty, kterých stát užívá při plnění svých funkcí nebo které ovlivňují svojí regulací. Třetím cílem bylo určit sociologické metody, konkrétně metody kvantitativního a kvalitativního výzkumu, které lze využít při úvahách de lege ferenda. Publikace je výstupem dvouleté výzkumné činnosti v projektech specifického výzkumu Masarykovy univerzity Metoda a ekonomické limity regulace ve finančním právu (2012) a Metoda a ekonomické limity regulace ve finančním právu II (2013).The main goal of the work has been to identify the method of legal regulation in financial law relations and to discuss certain segments of financial law. The second goal has been to select the basic economic institutes used by the state for fulfilling its tasks or affected by the state through its regulation. The third goal has been to assess the sociological methods including the methods of the quantitative and qualitative research that may be used for de lege ferenda discussions. The publication is the output of the two-years research activities in the specific research projects Method and economic limits of regulation in financial law (2012) and Method and economic limits of regulation in financial law II (2013)